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667470_0ed931c56b0e4396b1f0ee4a10137731_png_srb_p_210_250_75_22_0_50_1_20_0This Mother’s Day, give mom a Little Viper Pepper Spray Bracelet!
DO you know every two minutes someone in America is sexually violated. I don’t know about you, but I think it’s time to find ways to protect ourselves and our daughters.
That’s where I believe the Little Viper Pepper Spray will assist us! The Little Viper Pepper Spray made its debut in July and I’m so excited to inform you about this safety, fashion, pepper spray bracelet. Its not like anything you have ever seen before!

I think this is a great gift for mom, she can wear it comfortably on her wrist or place it in her purse. Either way, mom can have her own defense pepper spray right on hand when she needs it.
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Little Viper introduces the world’s first and only fashion pepper spray self-defense bracelet. The Inventor:Caroline Olah launched her invention, the Little Viper, in the summer of 2013. She conceptualized the bracelet after becoming frustrated with the other pepper spray products on the market at the time. Her daughters would always put the pepper spray in their purse or sweatshirt pocket and she knew that if they were caught off guard, they wouldn’t be able to access it. She wanted her two daughters to have a pepper spray product that was easily accessible and ready for instantaneous use, while being fashionable and discreet as to it containing pepper spray.
Weighing just 1 ounce, it’s extremely lightweight and comfortable. It contains 10% OC pepper spray (.04g) and shoots at a 3 foot range, approximately 3-6 bursts. You can’t beat that!!
Little Viper Pepper Bracelet

I like that The Little Viper is something that can be worn anytime and to be honest, I think people wouldn’t even know what it was unless you mentioned it to them. Shhh, lets keep it a secret…lol!
So you see it is a great gift for all moms, your sisters, even your brother, hey, violence can happen to anyone not just women!